
Survey Procedure and Guidelines

We are available to conduct online and paper surveys on behalf of department and organization across Life University community. To avoid survey saturation of our population, survey distributed to students, staff and faculty must be coordinated through the Office of Institutional Research and facilitated through Class Climate (online survey tool).  Please review the survey schedule to assist in your planning and have surveys added to the survey schedule at the beginning of each academic year. Lack of coordination may result in multiple surveys sent to the same population at the same time creating survey fatigue and frustration.

For researchers surveying the Life University population, approved  surveys  must follow established Life University Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines. Life University research information can be found at

Survey Method Assistance

Good surveys require thought in planning and the development of a correct methodology.  Listed below are a few resources.

Life University Library Assessing Programs and Services Guide

Harvard University Questionnaire Tip Sheet

University of Wisconsin Survey Fundamental Guide

Survey Schedule

Data/Survey Request Form